
TANGERANG- A viral video of a woman carrying a Mercedes Benz was caught stealing chocolate at Alfamart, Cisauk, Tangerang Regency. Surprisingly, in that case it was not the women who apologized, but the Alfamart service.

It is suspected that Alfamart's waiter was scared because the alleged thief's mother brought a lawyer, and intended to report it to the ITE Law. The video went viral on social media and became a public discussion.

The head of the Cisauk Police, AKP Syabillah Putri Ramadhan said that his party had sent members to check the truth of the case.

"We just received a report that the incident took place in Cisauk. It was only checked this morning, the Criminal Investigation Team and Bhabinkamtibmas," Syabillah said when confirmed, Monday, August 15.

Syabilla admitted that he could not speculate further about the case. He said he would provide further information after checking the scene.

"If it's based on video. But we can't based on video. We have to ask chronologically first, with the employees there. That's why we want to check first, mas. We'll let you know later," he concluded.

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