
JATIM - General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto said the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) party wanted to emphasize the importance of the politics of unity in facing the 2024 General Election.

"Today's activity is the presentation of the vision and mission of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB). In the vision presented by the three party chairmen the importance of the politics of unity is emphasized," said Airlangga on the sidelines of delivering the Vision and Mission of the KIB at the Shangrila Hotel, Surabaya, East Java. (East Java), Sunday, August 14. Therefore, continued Airlangga, the coalition party wants to avoid identity politics that can divide the nation.

"The stakes are too big if in the election contestation later we are again trapped in political polarization that can tear our nationality apart. We want the politics to be put forward to be a unifying, inclusive, and based on common ideas and thoughts for the progress of Indonesia, which we love," he said. confiscated between. He said that as a political party with experience in government and the three general chairmanships in President Jokowi's government, his party will continue to achieve achievements and success in government policies under President Jokowi's leadership.

Therefore, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy added, KIB offers sustainability and transformation that is grounded in contextual challenges facing the nation today amid geopolitical uncertainty and the uncertain global economic situation.

The United Indonesia Coalition Party aka KIB consists of the Golkar Party, PAN, and PPP.

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