
JAKARTA - Around 500 people from various professions stormed into the house of Dr. Moeldoko in Pesing Village, Purwosari District, Kediri Regency, East Java. Those consisting of farmers, breeders, street vendors, mothers, MSMEs, and youth youth organizations expressed their aspirations to support General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko to run as a presidential candidate in 2024.

The mass presence at the Moeldoko family's residence, which is located 26 kilometers northeast of Kediri City, was not all at once, but in waves. They began to appear in the village of Pesing whose position is surrounded by rice fields since 08.00 WIB. Masa expressed his aspirations, asking General Moeldoko as the guard of the Republic of Indonesia to take part in the 2024 presidential election contestation.

Hermawan as the representative of the future who came to express his aspirations in front of Soerjono as Moeldoko's older brother represented the big family. "We all support Mr. Moeldoko as a presidential candidate in 2024. We will defend Mr. Moel. Hopefully our request will be granted and be blessed by Allah SWT," he said on Sunday, August 14, according to a written statement received by VOI.

The reason Hermawan put forward why they nominate Moeldoko is because so far his figure has been very concerned about the fate of farmers. "Pak Moel is a person who really cares about farmers and small people. Pak Moel has been fighting for the welfare of the farmers. That's why we support and ask that Pak Moeldoko will become a presidential candidate in 2024," he hoped. This statement was greeted with great fanfare in the future.

Soerjono selaku kakak kandung Moeldoko menerima masa yang memadati kediaman mereka. (Foto ist)
Soerjono as Moeldoko's older brother accepted the crowds of their residence. (ist photo)

Soejono, as Moeldoko's older brother, when he received it, expressed his gratitude for the aspirations that were conveyed and would forward it to Moeldoko, who is still in Jakarta this morning.

Soerjono admitted that he was very surprised by the purpose and purpose of this visit. "We are very surprised by this arrival. All of you have given your time and energy to support my brother as a presidential candidate in 2024. Hopefully, all of your intentions will be blessed by Allah SWT," he said before the crowd.

Moeldoko was born in Pesing Village on July 8, 1957. He is the last of 12 children from Mr. Moestaman and Mrs. Masfuah. Although his father served as a Jogoboyo in his village, due to the large number of family members, life for the family was quite difficult economically.

Young Moeldoko had to fight hard for school and pursue his dreams. The relentless hard work has paid off. His career as a TNI soldier continued to rise to the top position as TNI Commander (2013-2015). After his retirement from the TNI, Moeldoko was entrusted with being the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) for the Working Cabinet of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Jusuf Kalla. And he was re-appointed as Chief of Presidential Staff in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin until now.

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