
MEDAN - The North Sumatra Police are planning to transfer 212 illegal Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who were secured to the Hajj Dormitory, Jalan AH Nasution, Medan Johor District.

This was done after the North Sumatran Police Chief, Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak saw the illegal PMI condition in the Sub-Directorate IV Renakta building of the North Sumatra Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Saturday, August 13.

"The order from the Kapolda to be moved to the Hajj Dormitory so that the PMIs can find a better place, the Kapolda and the Governor have coordinated," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police Kombes Hadi Wahyudi in a written statement.

According to him, investigators from Sub-Directorate IV Renakta, Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the North Sumatra Police and BP3MI continue to examine documents belonging to 212 illegal PMIs who are planning to work in Cambodia without official permission.

Hadi revealed that the transfer of illegal workers to the Hajj Dormitory involved the North Sumatra Social Service (Dinsos). "The purpose of securing these workers is to save them," he said.

Asked about the motivation of the workers, Hadi explained that the Indonesian workers were promised to work in Cambodia. However, this illegal PMI case is still under investigation.

"So far they have been quite cooperative in providing explanations after being met by the North Sumatra Police Chief. In essence, the North Sumatra Police want to save them from the actions of irresponsible individuals who provide jobs abroad without complete documents," he explained.

Hadi added that the 212 illegal PMIs were secured from Kualanamu Airport after collaborating with Immigration, Friday (12/8). The workers chartered a Lion Air plane to go to Cambodia.

"The arrested PMIs came from a number of provinces, namely North Sumatra, Jakarta, Kalimantan, Manado and others," he concluded

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