
BANJARMASIN - The Special Team (Timsus) of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the South Kalimantan Police has recaptured an escaped prisoner of the Banjarmasin Class IIA Penitentiary.

"A resident of Banjarmasin prison with the initials IH (42) was arrested Friday (12/8) by Timsus while behind the Alabio Market, Jalan Kali Negara, Pangkalan Sari Village, Sungai Pandan District, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency," said Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Mochamad. Rifa'i in Banjarmasin was reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 13.

Previously, the prison party through the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Kalimantan requested assistance in finding escaped prisoners to the South Kalimantan Police.

The South Kalimantan Police team led by Ipda Najamuddin Arif made the arrests.

Rifa'i said that the perpetrators had initially fled to Central Kalimantan because it was their place of origin in Pahandut Village, Palangka Raya City.

Until it was detected the Timsus shifted to the HSU area, which immediately moved there while coordinating with the HSU Police Jatanras Unit and the Alabio Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"Arrested without a fight, after being asked the reason for running away because he missed his son," said Rifa'i.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Correctional Division of the South Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Sri Yuwono, expressed his gratitude to the South Kalimantan Police and his staff for their assistance in catching the escaped convict.

On the orders of the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in South Kalimantan, the prisoner in question was transferred from the Banjarmasin Prison to the Marabahan Detention Center, Barito Kuala.

"To avoid unwanted things from happening, the transfer was carried out," he explained.

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