
MADIUN - The City Government of Madiun, East Java, has completed a pedestrian and flood control road facility project using funds from the APBD.

"The two projects that were inaugurated are Jalan Mayjen Sungkono-Jalan Sriti and Jalan Mayjen Sungkono-Jalan A. Yani," said Madiun Mayor Maidi when inaugurating the project.

According to the data, the construction project for the irrigation channel on Jalan Maj. Sungkono-Jalan Sriti was carried out by CV Portalraya with a contract value of Rp. 2.9 billion. Meanwhile, the construction of the Major General Sungkono-Ahmad Yani pedestrian road was carried out by CV Sarana Karya Manunggal with a contract value of IDR 1.8 billion.

According to him, the pedestrian road facility project has a dual function. In addition to beautifying the appearance of the sidewalks in Madiun City, it is also at the same time underneath as a channel for flood control. Under the pedestrian road there is a water channel that is widened so that it can be used for flood control.

"Pedestrians who want to walk in the middle of the city will be safe. Meanwhile, underneath this there is a water channel. So there are two functions," he said.

Maidi said the existence of pedestrians with similar flood control channels will continue to be carried out at other points and will later be connected to the previous pedestrians.

Head of the Madiun City PUPR Office, Suwarno, explained that the pedestrian and water channel project which was inaugurated has a length of about 853 meters. It stretches from Jalan Mayjen Sungkono to Jalan Ahmad Yani.

In addition to functioning as a pedestrian, this location can also be used to empower MSMEs, especially those using container stalls at a number of designated points. One of them is at a point near Sriti Park.

"The main function is flood control, and above the channel there are pedestrians as well as MSME containers at certain points," said Suwarno.

In the future, not only pedestrian facilities will be built at this location. However, it will also be equipped with lighting.

Suwarno added that the construction of the project which was inaugurated was according to the specified schedule.

"The completion is actually faster than the initial target. That's why the project can be inaugurated by the Mayor," he said.

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