
JAKARTA - The PDI-P (PDIP) has emphasized that it is not in a hurry to determine a presidential candidate to run in the 2024 Presidential Election. All cadres deemed fit to lead are still being trained by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"For the presidential election, all of them have just been trained by Mrs. Megawati. Right (registration of presidential candidates, ed) is still in August next year," said PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in a written statement, Saturday, August 13.

Hasto said PDIP has many cadres of leaders, including the former Banyuwangi Regent who now serves as LKPP Head Abdullah Azwar Anas to Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution. However, they must be galvanized.

One way is to attend party schools. "And then they are given assistance when they become regional heads by successful regional heads," he said.

It does not stop there, PDIP is also always trying to strengthen their regional heads. In fact, some time ago all regional heads from the party bearing the bull symbol were gathered.

They, continued Hasto, were gathered to discuss various things. Including pro-people budget policies and creating job opportunities to encourage young people to express themselves.

Not only that, these regional heads are also trained to create public spaces. One of them by creating a city park.

"Because the presence of public space in the city is very important for people to be able to have a dialogue. Imagine if we filled the streets with flowers, gardens, clean rivers, then it would create a harmonious public space," concluded Hasto.

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