
NTB - The perpetrator with the initials S (41) who is suspected of killing a kindergarten teacher with the initials H in his home, Gunungsari area, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), is now facing 15 years in prison.

The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram City Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, said that the threat of punishment for S was in accordance with the criminal suspicion from the results of the case title.

"The threat of 15 years in prison is regulated in the criminal code that we suspect of the perpetrator, namely Article 338 of the Criminal Code," said Kadek Adi in Mataram, NTB, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 12.

However, he emphasized that the criminal suspicion for S, who is now officially a suspect, could still continue to grow.

"So, everything can still develop, because we continue to explore this case," he said.

Including, he said, there is still a need for further investigation regarding the confession of suspect S who said the victim was two months pregnant.

"Indeed, from the provisional information, the forensic results stated that there was a clot in the victim's fetus. However, it is not certain whether it is a baby or not. Everything needs further investigation," he said.

Although there has been no link between S's confession and the provisional results of H's autopsy. However, Kadek Adi ensures that S's confession of killing the victim does not erase the crime.

"According to what we suspected of the suspect, that's what we focused on first. Did the formal and material requirements have been met," said Kadek Adi.

S's role as the killer of the kindergarten teacher was revealed from the results of the investigation by the Mataram Police Satreskrim Team. The examination of witnesses, and CCTV camera footage confirmed the police's move to arrest S.

Kadek Adi and his team caught S who had fled to Ngawi Regency, East Java. The police arrested S when he was at his friend's house, Wednesday, August 10.

From the examination of S, it was revealed that the victim died two months pregnant. The suspect who was asked to be responsible by the victim became the motive for the murder case.

H's body was first found by his biological mother, at his home, on Friday 29 July. From the suspect's statement, it was revealed that the murder took place two days before H's body was found, namely on Wednesday, July 27, morning.

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