
SURABAYA - The phase III clinical trial process for the Merah Putih vaccine involved 4,005 subjects and volunteers with ID cards from outside Java. However, the majority of the thousands of volunteers are residents of East Java.

"According to the governor's mandate to prioritize East Java residents, there are still many East Java residents who have not been vaccinated at all," said Dominicus Husada, lead researcher of the Unair Red and White Vaccine clinical trial, Thursday, August 11.

To make the phase III clinical trial of the Red and White Vaccine successful, Dominicus continued, five hospitals in East Java were involved. They are the Airlangga University Hospital (RSUA) Surabaya, Dr Soebandi Hospital Jember, Dr Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang, and Jember Lung Hospital, and Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya.

"The five hospitals are the place for the phase III clinical trial of the Red and White Vaccine. Meanwhile, the clinical trial center is centered at Dr Soetomo Hospital," he said.

Dominicus said the phase III clinical trial would take about six months, considering the large number of subjects who would receive the Red and White Vaccine injection. So far, he said, the implementation of phase I, II clinical trials have gone smoothly and safely.

Even though the clinical trial research process is still taking a long time, continued Dominicus, the research team will still provide regular reports to the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM).

"Hopefully this III clinical trial will run safely and smoothly like phases I and II. What is clear is that we are trying to complete this phase III clinical trial well," he said.

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