3 Defendants In Case Of 210 Kilograms Of Shabu Sentenced To Death In East Aceh Court
Documentation - The panel of judges read out their verdict against three drug defendants at the Idi District Court, East Aceh. ANTARA/Hayaturrahmah


BANDA ACEH - The judges of the Idi District Court, East Aceh Regency, sentenced three drug defendants to death with 210 kilograms of methamphetamine as evidence.

The death sentence was read out by a panel of judges chaired by Apriyanti and accompanied by Ike Ari Kusuma and Zaki Anwar, each as member judges in the Idi District Court courtroom, East Aceh, Thursday, August 11.

The trial was attended by Public Prosecutor (JPU) Cherry Arrida and Ricky Rosiwa from the East Aceh State Prosecutor's Office. The defendants attended a virtual trial from the Class IIB Idi Penitentiary.

The three defendants are Sujefri bin Abdul Rahman (48), a resident of North Aceh Regency, Farid bin Anwar (39), a resident of Bireuen Regency, and Hasanul Basri Bin Usman (26), a resident of East Aceh Regency.

The panel of judges stated that the defendants were legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 114 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (2) of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in conjunction with Article 62 of Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropics in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1 ) 1 of the Criminal Code.

"The defendants were proven legally and convincingly guilty without rights or against the law offering for sale, selling, buying, receiving, intermediary in buying and selling, exchanging or delivering narcotics class one in the form of non-plants weighing more than five grams," the panel of judges said. AMONG.

The panel of judges also determined that the evidence in the case, 210 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 200 thousand pills of the Inex type of sedative, 47,500 happy five sedatives and a number of other pieces of evidence to be destroyed.

The death sentence is in accordance with the demands of the public prosecutor submitted at the previous trial. On this decision, the defendants expressed their thoughts.

The three defendants were arrested by personnel from the Directorate of Drugs and Crime of the National Police in the coastal waters of Simpang Ulim, East Aceh Regency, on December 16, 2021.

During the arrest, officers confiscated crystal methamphetamine weighing 210 kilograms, 200 thousand Inex pills and 47,500 Happy five pills. The prohibited goods are allegedly supplied from the waters of the Malacca Strait, using a motorboat.

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