
JAKARTA - The team of lawyers accused of investment fraud, Doni Salmanan, explained that his client is not the party that manages transactions on the Quotex investment platform.

Attorney Ikbar Firdaus claims Doni Salmanan is only the party who registers as an affiliate. Then get a registration link on Quotex as a party to one of the transaction instruments in foreign exchange.

"The Public Prosecutor in his indictment did not at all describe carefully, clearly and completely the role of the owner of the Quotex platform, who is clearly the manager of investment funds," said Ikbar at the Bale Bandung District Court at the exception hearing, Thursday, August 11, quoted from Antara.

The prosecutor's indictment, he said, only revealed the role of Doni Salmanan. Even though the full responsibility lies with the Quotex platform.

In addition, according to him, the complainants also have a relationship with Quotex because they registered and then deposited their funds on the investment platform.

At the time of registration, according to him, the complainants also used the terms and conditions imposed by the Quotex platform and in the Quotex application a risk warning was included.

"Therefore, it is not clear what the role of the defendant (Doni Salmanan) is in the case," he said.

Therefore, Ikbar considered that the indictment submitted by the prosecutor must be null and void in accordance with Article 143 paragraph (2) letter b of the Criminal Procedure Code which requires the indictment to contain a detailed, clear, and complete description.

"We are legal counsel for the defendant, asking the panel of judges who examined and tried the criminal case on behalf of the defendant at the Bale Bandung District Court to decide to accept and grant the defendant's legal counsel's objection in its entirety," said Ikbar.

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