
JAYAPURA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Jayapura, Papua Province will detect cases of malaria and treatment simultaneously in all villages in the region.

Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Jayapura District Health Office, Pungut Sunarto, said his party would hold a grand meeting with all malaria cadres in an effort to control the case.

"Because in 2021 the Annual Parisite Incidence (API) malaria rate in Jayapura Regency per 1000 population there are still 193 people affected by malaria," he said in Sentani, quoted from Antara.

Related to that, his party will hold a hearing with the Regent of Jayapura Mathius Awoitauw in the context of accelerating the reduction of malaria rates.

According to Sunarto, in accordance with Regent Regulation (Perbup) Number 44 of 2017 which is a guideline for controlling malaria from 2023 to 2025, Jayapura Regency must enter the elimination stage in 2023.

"So the malaria rate in Jayapura Regency must decrease to five per 1,000 population, so a very strategic effort is needed to overcome malaria cases," he said.

Based on the calculation of the API, malaria cases in Jayapura Regency are the fourth highest in Papua.

Furthermore, Pungut said that the grand meeting he initiated would be titled the VI Congress of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (KMAN) which will be held in Jayapura in October 2022. The event is also part of the commemoration of World Health Day which falls on 12 November.

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