
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Government (DIY) registered the 'Jogja Mark' brand as an international mark using the Madrid Protocol facility through the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

"We started submitting the Madrid Protocol application in March 2022 and received approval from the 'World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)' in June 2022," said Head of the DIY Intellectual Property Management Center Doni Dwi Yoga Handoko in a written statement in Yogyakarta, Antara, Wednesday. , August 10.

Jogja Mark is a registered trademark owned by the DIY Regional Government which is used as a 'co-branding' for small and medium business products (SMEs) native to Yogyakarta, and has now received its Madrid Protocol certificate for the United States of America in three class classifications, namely grades 18, 20, and 21.

Doni said that the Madrid Protocol submission process was quite easy thanks to the assistance of the DJKI and the DIY Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office who continued to assist in the submission process.

DJKI Middle Mark Examiner Raden Nurul Anwar said that by registering the Madrid Protocol the "Jogja Mark" brand, then when the DIY Regional Government markets or sells products, especially to the United States, they will be protected from lawsuits or parties who object to having the mark registered there. .

Anwar added that the Madrid Protocol would also bring great benefits to the domestic economy and facilitate export opportunities.

"Brand registration through the Madrid Protocol system is a one-stop system solution for brand owners to get brand protection in the international market," he said.

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