
JAKARTA - Member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Poengky Indarti assessed that the National Police were professional and independent by appointing Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as a suspect in the murder of Brigadier J.

"The determination of the suspect in this case also shows that the National Police Chief does not hesitate to process the law of his subordinate who holds the rank of Inspector General of Police," said Poengky as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 10.

Poengky suspects Inspector General Ferdy Sambo of being the mastermind of the shooting case against Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J, who was shot dead by his colleague on orders, at the official residence of the former Head of the Propam Division at the Duren Tiga Police complex, South Jakarta.

“Kompolnas understands the challenges and obstacles faced by the special team in uncovering the case of Joshua's death. It turns out that it is suspected that the mastermind behind this case is a two-star general who at the time of the incident served as the Head of the Propam Division, who was the police officer," he said.

The disclosure of this case, said Poengky, was carried out by means of a scientific crime investigation. At first, the disclosure of the case was hampered because it was suspected that Ferdy Sambo and the people ordered by him were trying to obstruct justice.

However, the special team formed by the National Police Chief Gen. Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo works in a marathon prioritizing scientific proof, so that even though there are efforts to obscure, the alleged crimes of the perpetrators can still be revealed.

"Especially after the existence of 'bedhol desa' in the form of mutations and examination of people suspected of being involved in obstructing justice, the special team can identify suspects in this case," he said.

Although the suspect has been determined and the fact that Brigadier J was killed, said Poengky, law enforcement efforts will continue until the court process.

"Kompolnas will continue to oversee the process of investigating this case until the case can be transferred to the court," said Poengky.

National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Tuesday (9/8) announced Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo as a suspect in the Birgadir J murder case, along with his aide and household assistant, namely Bharada E, Bripka RR and Strong or KM (household assistant/driver).

The four suspects were charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder subsidiary Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of death or life imprisonment, or a maximum of 20 years.

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