
PALEMBANG - The Lubuk Linggau Resort Police (Polres) officers, South Sumatra Police (South Sumatra) arrested an individual member of the Indonesian Shooting and Hunting Association (Perbakin) in this area on suspicion of possession of illegal firearms.

Lubuk Linggau Police Chief AKBP Harissandi said when confirmed, Agus Witono (50), a resident of Jalan Cambodia, Marga Rahayu Village, was arrested in an ambush operation by Lubuk Linggau Police Satreskrim personnel without a fight at his home on Monday, August 8 evening.

He said that during the operation, the members managed to secure two long-barreled mouser guns, and one long-barreled Sten Gun.

"All were confiscated along with 1,498 rounds of various calibers ranging from bullets of caliber 22, caliber 9, caliber 7, and caliber 556, and even sow bullets from the suspect's hands," he said in Lubuk Linggau, Antara, Wednesday, August 10.

Haris explained that the arrest of suspect Agus was the result of the development of investigations into two other suspects, namely Laurenus Andri and Ciayadi who were arrested on Thursday for the alleged online sale of illegal firearms.

From the results of the investigator's examination, it was known that the suspect Agus got firearms from unscrupulous members of Perbakin Musi Rawas, some of which were purchased for up to Rp. 12 million per unit.

"His illicit activities of storing illegal weapons have been carried out for about the last five years, the suspect admitted that the weapons were for hunting which are still under development," he also said.

For this action, the suspect is subject to the Emergency Law, Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 12 of 1951, concerning Possession of Firearms, with a threat of 20 years in prison.

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