
JAKARTA - The NTT Provincial Government will massively expand socialization to various parties regarding the entry fee of Rp3.75 million which will take effect on January 1, 2023 on Komodo Island and Padar Island, West Manggarai, NTT.

"We will carry out more in-depth socialization to all parties, especially the role of each party in the system we are building," said Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Office of the Province of NTT Zeth Sony Libing when met at Komodo Labuan Bajo Airport, recently as reported by Between.

More massive socialization was carried out because the NTT Provincial Government had given dispensation to tourists to use the old tariff when entering Komodo Island and Padar Island until December 31, 2021.

Thus, in the remaining five months, the NTT Provincial Government can disseminate information related to the new tariffs more intensively and optimally. Moreover, Sony admits that the socialization provided by them is still very lacking. "Socialization is still lacking, so additional socialization is needed, both by the NTT Provincial Government and PT Flobamor," he said.

In the socialization provided, the NTT Provincial Government will strengthen the role of each party involved in the policy. Thus, each party has a clear position regarding their roles and functions.

He said the government did not cancel or postpone the policy, but gave dispensation. The dispensation is a suggestion and input from President Joko Widodo, including the Bishop of Ruteng, religious leaders, and traditional leaders in West Manggarai Regency.

The tariff is also valid on January 1, 2023 with a reservation through the INISA application initiated by PT Flobamor as a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) belonging to the Province of NTT.

The Komodo Island problem, according to Muhammad Syafaat, Founder and CEO of Ayo Jalan Jalan (Tourism Consultant), should have a third party take a role in mediating between the parties involved so that a solution can be immediately agreed upon by all parties. In this case, one of them who might take the role is GIPI (Indonesian Tourism Industry Association) as a protector for tourism industry players who can take this role.

Meanwhile, Hiro Kristianto, Chairman of Anugerah Pesona Indonesia added, Komodo Island and its surroundings deserve to be included as premium tourism. “We once held the Peak Night of the Pesona Anugerah Pesona Indonesia in Labuan Bajo. And in our opinion, Labuan Bajo tourism, in this case including Komodo Island and its surroundings, is indeed worthy of being a premium class tourism," he said.

"The problem of Komodo - Labuan Bajo must be immediately found a solution. Because if this problem is solved, the NTT Provincial Government can shift its focus to developing other tourism destinations in the NTT region that are no less exotic, such as Kelabba Madja in Sabu Raijua, Fulan Fehan in Belu and Fatumnasi in South Central Timor, "continued Hiro Kristianto about polemic on entry fees to Komodo Island.

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