
JAKARTA - The National Police has named former Head of the Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo (FS) as a suspect in the murder case of Brigadier Nopryansah Yoshua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. The determination of the suspect was announced directly by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo on Tuesday, August 9, evening. According to DPR Commission III member Arsul Sani, the determination of the suspect is not the end of the legal process for the case which is still being handled by the Special Team (Timsus) formed by the National Police Chief.

“There is still a long legal process to go through. Of course, the public and Commission III of the DPR will jointly guard it," said Arsul Sani to reporters, Wednesday, August 10.

Nevertheless, Arsul appreciated the firm stance of the National Police Chief and his staff who worked optimally and transparently in uncovering the case of Brigadier J's murder at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house on July 8.

"We believe that this step by the National Police Chief will restore public confidence in the Police, which had fallen because of this case," said Arsul. the official house of the National Police Propam Division Head in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta. Because, said Arsul, the case of premeditated murder has attracted a lot of public attention in recent times.

"We consider the steps taken by the National Police Chief and his staff to meet the expectations of the public and the families of the victims," he concluded.

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