
JAKARTA - The Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, said that Bharada E's confession about the incident that actually occurred at the official residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, did not appear because of encouragement from the legal counsel.

The National Police Timsus deliberately brought Bharada E's parents to provide motivation or encouragement for those concerned to be able to tell the truth.

"It's not because of the lawyer that he confessed (Bharada E) because what the investigators did, what the Timsus did to convey to him the love of his parents was brought in, was an effort to make him aroused that the threat was quite heavy, so don't bear it alone," Agus explained in a statement. Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 9th.

Bharada E had previously been named as the suspect in the death of Brigadier J. Recently, Bharada E was ordered by Ferdy Sambo to shoot Brigadier J. As a scenario, Ferdy Sambo then used Ferdy Sambo's weapon to shoot the wall several times so that there was an impression of a shootout.

Ferdy Sambo was threatened with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to 338 of the Criminal Code and threatened with imprisonment for 20 years or the death penalty. Meanwhile, Bharada E was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

Given the severity of the criminal threat, Bharada E then consciously made a confession.

"So don't suddenly appoint someone as a lawyer to accompany the examination and he continues to chatter outside, as if it were his job, it's not fair," explained Agus.

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