
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will inaugurate the building for the storage of confiscated and looted goods (Rupbasan) in Cawang, East Jakarta. It is hoped that this building can accommodate items confiscated by corruptors so that their value does not decline when auctioned.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri said the inauguration will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, August 10 at 09.00 WIB. Later the confiscated goods from the corrupt will be placed in the building.

"In the future, the Cawang Rupbasan Building will be used by the KPK as a place for maintaining and securing confiscated objects and looted goods from handling corruption cases," Ali told reporters, Tuesday, August 9.

In the data submitted on the KPK RI Twitter account, it is stated that the area of this building reaches 7,381 square meters. There are 180 car parking slots, 120 motorbike slots, 12 bus slots, as well as evidence space of 588 square meters.

"This Rupbasan is equipped with proper storage and maintenance facilities so that the stored items do not depreciate in asset value during the auction process," said Ali.

The KPK hopes that this building will help them be more optimal in their efforts to restore state losses. Moreover, this step is the goal of the action taken.

"This is in line with the KPK's strategy in taking action against corruption," said Ali.

"That TPK law enforcement is not only to provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators, but also to optimally restore state losses or asset recovery," he continued.

During the inauguration, four KPK leaders, namely Firli Bahuri, Nurul Ghufron, Alexander Marwata, and Nawawi Pomolango will attend. The signing of the inscription and cutting the ribbon as a sign that the Rupbasan Cawang is ready to function will also be carried out.

In addition, a number of invited guests will also be present. They are representatives from the Supreme Court, Bappenas, Polri, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, BPK RI, Attorney General's Office, Ministry of PUPR, and KPK structural officials.

In addition, there will also be a procession of handing over minutes of work from the contractor to the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for the construction project of this building. "It is hoped that with the inauguration of the Cawang Rupbasan building, it can be used as much as possible to support the eradication of corruption that is as effective as possible for the people of Indonesia," concluded Ali.

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