
SAMARINDA - The Sungai Pinang Police Operational Unit along with Jatanras personnel from the East Kalimantan Police and the Samarinda Police managed to arrest the perpetrator of the stabbing using a sharp weapon against the victim SR (39) on Jalan Gatot Subroto. The trigger for the sadistic act was because the perpetrator was hurt by the victim's words.

"The stabbing started because the perpetrator was hurt by what the victim said some time ago, just before the incident occurred," said Sungai Pinang Police Chief AKP Noor Dhianto in Samarinda, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 9.

Noor revealed, after carrying out the persecution, the SM perpetrator immediately fled so that the Sungai Pinang Police Opsnal Unit together with the East Kalimantan Regional Police and Samarinda Police immediately carried out an investigation.

"Joint personnel then managed to track down SM's whereabouts, who apparently fled to the Kubar area. The joint personnel immediately coordinated with the Kubar Police to chase down the SM perpetrators," he said.

Furthermore, Noor said, after being secured in Kubar SM, he was immediately taken to Samarinda City along with evidence in the form of a badik to undergo further legal proceedings.

Noor explained that the chronology of the incident was precisely on Monday, August 1 at around 01.00 WITA, there was a criminal act of assault with sharp weapons on Jalan Gatot Subroto, Samarinda.

"The perpetrator used a sharp weapon of the badik type to stabbed into the body, resulting in the victim suffering stab wounds in the left abdomen, back of the waist and palms of the hands," he explained.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of five years in prison.

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