
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) suspects that there is an attempt to obscure the facts in the handling of the murder case of Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said that the suspicion arose because it was difficult to confirm the statements of the witnesses with the available evidence, such as the CCTV which was said to be damaged.

"The indications are almost the same as those examined by the Special Inspectorate (Insus), yes, that there are allegations, such as obfuscation of facts," said Taufan to reporters, Tuesday, August 9.

According to Taufan, the examination of the results of the research by the Cyber Crime Criminal Investigation Team of the National Police regarding digital forensic results in the form of CCTV footage and communication data from 15 cellphones examined is very important to uncover the case.

"Because it's very important. Apart from CCTV, what are the other traces of communication, so that we don't just rely on individual information," he said.

Therefore, said Taufan, National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo took action to ask Irsus to investigate. "In our examination there are also indications of that," he continued.

Komnas HAM has examined a number of witnesses, ranging from the aide or ADC to the former head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. However, there is a different information sticking out to the public so that it also changes the construction of previous events.

"If you try to look at the information from person to person at the beginning, it says this, for comparison, it is difficult, so go back to him. When he changes his statement, the construction of events can change. But if for example, when he changes his statement, the construction of events can change, right. But if for example the supporting tools Previously, the supporting evidence was obtained, it would be easier to construct the incident," explained Taufan.

Even so, Taufan asserted, Komnas HAM is currently focused on proving the incident that occurred between a private house on Jalan Saguling Tiga and a halfway house in the Police housing complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

"Although compared to the previous weeks, this is more focused, already. We're just talking about Saguling Tiga and Duren Tiga, don't mention it anywhere else," he said.

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