
JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesian National Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) Edi Hasibuan asked the National Police to ensure the safety of Bharada E, who is currently a suspect in the murder of Bripka J at the official house of the Head of the National Police Propam Division in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

"Bharada E's security must be guaranteed by the National Police. He has also asked for protection from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) as a witness as well as the perpetrator who worked together to uncover the case," said Edi in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, August 9.

Edi said that the disclosure of the shooting that killed Bripka J on July 8, 2022 had entered a new phase, namely Bharada E, who is now being held at the National Police Headquarters, gave the latest admission that he shot because he was under pressure from his superiors.

"This acknowledgment will be an important guide for the Special Team formed by the National Police Chief to investigate," said the academic from Bhayangkara University, Jakarta.

Bharada E's latest testimony, he said, will be used by investigators to uncover the murder actor who has caused public polemics this month because the way the case is handled is suspected of violating the rules.

Edi said that Bharada E's confession would certainly be cross-checked with other facts so that it could be legally accounted for.

"The commitment of the National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo is very strong. The National Police Chief will legally process anyone, including generals," said the former Commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas). In addition to Bharada E, the National Police has named Brigadier RR as a suspect in this case.

The National Police also questioned 25 members of the National Police for violating the procedure for handling the crime scene (TKP). The former Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General of Police, Ferdy Sambo, has also been detained at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters in order to be investigated for violations of the code of ethics.

Not only cases of ethical violations, the National Police opens the possibility to criminally ensnare its members in connection with the murder of Brigadier J if they find sufficient evidence.

Separately, the Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo, said that the National Police would announce a new suspect on Tuesday afternoon at the National Police Headquarters.

Dedi said that the National Police Chief would announce the new suspect.

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