This Is The Time Limit For Residents Evacuation If The Megathrust Earthquake And Tsunami In South Java Happens
PHOTO: BNPB YouTube screenshot


JAKARTA - The potential for a large earthquake in the south of Java Island or a megathrust earthquake and tsunami is still being discussed.

Plt. Head of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Abdul Muhari emphasized the importance of mitigation for the community for this predicted disaster.

Abdul Muhari explained that there is a time limit for the community to evacuate if a megathrust earthquake and tsunami, which is predicted to have a magnitude of 8, occurs, ranging from 10 to 30 minutes.

This time limit is seen from the two segments that are the source of the megathrust earthquake. Based on the analysis of the experts, the two segments are in the south of Banten and the southern segments of East Java and Yogyakarta.

"If we look at seismic data, we find that there are two potential sources of earthquakes that can generate tsunamis, but that doesn't mean it will happen like that. So we can never determine when an earthquake occurs and how big and where it is located, although we can map its segments, " said Abdul Muhari in a virtual discussion, Monday, August 8.

If a megathrust earthquake occurs in the southern segment of Banten, the evacuation period for residents or the golden time before the tsunami hits is 10 to 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, if the earthquake occurs in the southern segment of East Java and Yogyakarta, the golden time is 20 to 30 minutes.

"We must take advantage of this by strengthening early warning and community preparedness. Of course, this community preparedness does not only depend on the system, but we can also wake up by seeing or paying attention to natural phenomena," said Abdul Muhari.

Abdul Muhari also emphasized the importance of the role of local governments in dealing with potential disasters, including megathrust earthquakes. He said, local governments need to disseminate information on disaster-prone areas.

Then, the local government is obliged to carry out prevention and preparedness efforts in the form of training, evacuation simulations, emergency response simulations, to the first action in an emergency.

"This must be part of the minimum service provided by the regional government, but of course the central government, in this case BNPB, for example, will not let go, we must always do support," he added.

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