JAKARTA - Putri Candrawati, wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is scheduled to undergo an assessment examination by the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) on Tuesday, August 9, tomorrow. The plan is that the assessment will be carried out by LPSK by picking up the ball at the residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.
The pick-up method was carried out because since the initial application for protection was submitted by Putri Candrawati to the LPSK, but until now Putri has not come on the grounds that she is still severely traumatized.
LPSK spokesman, Rully Novian said, the psychological examination of the person concerned was not only carried out once, but needed several examinations.
"If the person concerned is still traumatized, the examination can be carried out in the most comfortable place for the victim," Rully told reporters, Monday, August 8.
Rully ensured, if during the psychological examination process Putri Candrawati could reveal, then she could continue the examination at the LPSK office.
"If we allow it in the office, then we will ask him for an assessment at the office," he said.
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