
KEDIRI - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo reminded all parties to be aware of identity politics ahead of the 2024 General Election because its impact could trigger divisions.

"Indonesia has entered the year of politics. So, of course, I must be in a position to always remind that in 2019, without us realizing identity politics occurred, thus causing division. identity politics," he said in Kediri, East Java, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 6.

The National Police Chief in a meeting with the ulama at the Al Falah Islamic Boarding School, Ploso Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency, said that divisions or polarization due to identity politics in 2019 occurred everywhere. In fact, to this day the atmosphere is still there.

"How has our society known for being tolerant, gotong royong good, now changing. For example, choosing the President is different from neighbors who used to greet each other every day, now they may not want to," he said.

He said, like it or not, it must be realized that the 2024 election is just one step away. For this reason, the National Police Chief hopes that there will be no problems in the community.

"I emphasize and of course I have the intention that nothing can be maximized other than being assisted by scholars. In 2024 we will keep the community from being influenced, divided because of identity politics," he said.

General Sigit hopes that the candidate for head of state will later participate in reconciling the community by competing with positive programs so that the public sees that what is being campaigned is suitable. If it fits the figure, of course, will choose it.

The National Police Chief appealed to the public not to be influenced by various issues that could divide the nation's unity. The public must also be intelligent and not be influenced by various kinds of information that cannot be accounted for or hoaxes.

"Never let anything divide us, SARA, hate speech, hoaxes. That should not happen again. Our job is to remind us. If someone gets into a cell phone (hoax), we will delete it," he said

The National Police Chief is optimistic that if the country is protected from various hoax issues, there will be quite good economic growth, including being able to maintain inflation.

"The key is maintaining economic growth requires stability and security, the hard work of the community," he said.

Meanwhile, Gus Kautsar, caretaker of PP Al Falah, Ploso Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency said the visit of the National Police Chief was for friendship.

The National Police Chief also asked for the help of ulama to participate in securing the situation ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"We were asked for help in securing the situation, and encouraging us. The most important thing is that we secure the situation of preparing for the political year by maintaining security. In principle, we strongly believe that students have the ability to participate in securing the political year," said Gus Kautsar.

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