
JAKARTA - The chairman of the National Awakening Party, Muhaimin Iskandar, promised to bring about a change in the fate of the nation when he was elected in the 2024 presidential election, he said during the Gus Muhaimin Festival at the Gelora Delta Stadium in Sidoarjo, Saturday, August 6.

He said it was a determination to change the fate of the people and nation, Nahdliyin residents, residents of East Java for the motivation of the energy spirit that will be brought to win the 2024 presidential election. the spirit of volunteers to remain for the ideals of changing a just, prosperous nation. We hope that Indonesia will be better. "This is because behind us there is a long history of struggle for the people of East Java," he said. He said kiai and ulemas gave a mandate and mandate to bring about benefit and bring the nation to stand upright in the banner of national unity and integrity.

"These various groups of people are sufficient capital to build this nation. It is time for the natural resources of gold mineral coal to be used for the greatest prosperity of the people," he said. The event was attended by sympathizers from various regions in East Java such as Mojokerto, Jombang, Gresik, Madiun, Banyuwangi. , Situbondo, Probolinggo, Malang, Surabaya and also from Sidoarjo. In addition to the mass mobilization, the event also featured artists from the capital cities such as Jamrud, Setia Band, D'Masiv and New Monata.

Sidoarjo Police personnel also conducted traffic engineering to manage participant vehicles coming from out of town when they were about to approach the location of the activity so that there was no road congestion.

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