
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that four of his members were detained in the aftermath of the bloody incident that killed Brigadier J. They were 'detained' in a special place.

"Tonight there are 4 people who we place in a special place for 30 days," said General Sigit.

However, the identity of the four members of the Police was not detailed. It was only conveyed, they were part of the 25 people being examined by the Special Inspectorate (Irsus) of the National Police.

They are called unprofessional in handling the murder case against Brigadier J.

"It will be decided later that it is clear that the investigation is still continuing. However, we have found out who did it, who took it, who kept it, we will open everything later when the process is complete," said Sigit.

It turned out that the special place (patsus) where four members of the National Police were located was secured due to unprofessionalism in handling the case of Brigadier J's murder. The police said the special team was in Provos.

"Yes, the Patsus is in the Provos," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasertyo, to VOI, Saturday, August 6.

However, it did not specify the form of the patsus. Such as in the form of cells or so on. Dedi only stated that the place was heavily guarded.

Referring to the Regulation of the National Police Chief (Perkap) Number 2 of 2016 concerning Settlement of Discipline Violations, the Patsus can be categorized in the form of a headquarters, residence, certain room, ship, or a place designated by the apparatus authorized to punish (ankum).

"Patsus is closely guarded," said Dedi.

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