
JAKARTA - Narcotics legal expert Komjen Police (Ret.) Anang Iskandar said that giving prison sentences to narcotics abusers will not reduce the number of drug abusers but will increase.

"Don't be surprised if the narcotics problem continues to rise because the abuser is not cured, he is a sick person but not cured, instead he is imprisoned," Anang said in a webinar entitled "The Coordination Forum for the Protection of Children from School-Based Drugs, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 5.

According to him, narcotics abusers are people who suffer from addiction due to drug dependence, so they need to be rehabilitated.

"The priority step is to rehabilitate, because they are addicted to narcotics, they must be protected and saved so that their future can return to normal," he said.

He said the Narcotics Law even authorized judges to impose rehabilitation sentences on narcotics abusers, whether proven or not guilty of using narcotics.

"The term is not appropriate, right, people who are sick are addicted to narcotics or are addicted but are sentenced to prison terms even though the Narcotics Law authorizes judges to impose rehabilitation sentences, whether proven guilty or not guilty of using narcotics," he said.

Therefore, his party asked teachers to prevent their students from using narcotics because for those who are already addicted to narcotics, it will be difficult to prevent them from using narcotics again.

The former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Department explained that the definition of narcotics is drugs derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic which can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, relieve pain, reduce to eliminate pain and can cause dependence.

Anang said that basically narcotics are drugs that can be used for medical purposes, but have side effects that can cause dependence if consumed without doctor's instructions.

"So it is lawful if it is consumed under the doctor's instructions, yes indeed narcotics are drugs, pain medications, drugs to reduce/eliminate pain, but remember, they can cause dependence," he said.

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