
MAGELANG - A worrisome crime has been successfully uncovered by the Magelang Police. A student with the initials IL (15) was arrested for allegedly committing the crime of murdering WA (12), a resident of Baleagung village, Grabag sub-district, Magelang district.

Magelang Police Chief AKBP M Sajarod Zakun explained that IL was arrested after the police conducted an investigation and examined witnesses. He was also questioned because it was known that he was with the victim.

"When questioned he confessed to the murder and indicated the location where he left the body of the WA victim," Sajarod said in a written statement, Friday, August 5.

The results of the examination revealed the chronology of events. The incident began on Wednesday, August 3, at approximately 16.00 WIB. The victim was picked up by the perpetrator at his home on the grounds that he asked the victim to make a photocopy of his school work.

"The victim was invited to ride a motorbike. But in the middle of the trip, the victim was taken by the perpetrator to a coffee plantation area that had been determined by the perpetrator, where the perpetrator had previously prepared a sharp weapon (celurit)," said Sajarod.

Arriving at the crime scene, he continued, there was a fight and a fight that ended in the loss of the WA victim.

"The victim hit the perpetrator, but the perpetrator slashed and hit the victim with wood several times, including in the head," he explained.

After being confirmed dead, Sajarod said, the victim's body was then lifted into the middle of the garden area and left to go home.

The incident was revealed after the WA family reported the loss of a family member to the Grabag Sector Police. Following up on this, the police examined a number of witnesses.

"On Thursday, at around 14.00, the perpetrator admitted that he had killed the victim and left the body in the coffee plantation area of Dusun Kopen, Baleagung Village, Grabag District, Magelang Regency," he explained.

For his actions, IL is threatened with articles of premeditated murder and or violence against children causing death as referred to in Article 340 of the Criminal Code and or Article 80 paragraph (3) of UURI No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to UURI No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

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