
JAKARTA - The TNI AD appreciates the successful foiling of the smuggling of class I narcotics of one kilogram of methamphetamine by the Indonesian Pamtas Task Force-MLY Medan Artillery Battalion (Yonarmed) Buritkang on the Nunukan border, North Kalimantan.

"On behalf of the TNI AD, I appreciate the success of the RI-MLY Pamtas Task Force Yonarmed Buritkang under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Arm Yudhi Ari Irawan who has succeeded in thwarting the smuggling of narcotics class I, one kilogram of methamphetamine, weighing one kilogram," said Head of the Information Service of the Indonesian Army (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang. Subarna, in a written broadcast by Dispenad, reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 5.

In fact, he added, the task force also managed to secure a perpetrator with the initials DS and 33 years old.

Tatang explained that the illicit goods were secured when the perpetrator crossed the Dalduk Aji Kuning Post, Central Sebatik, Nunukan, North Kalimantan, to go to Tarakan using a speed boat.

From the hands of the perpetrators, he continued, the task force managed to secure one kilogram of methamphetamine which was packaged in 21 transparent plastic wrappers.

"On that occasion, the task force also confiscated two mobile phones, passports, ID cards, wallets, three boxes of soya bean milk as shabu wrappers, a carrying bag, and cash worth Rp.495,000," said Tatang.

Furthermore, the perpetrators and the evidence were handed over to the Nunukan Police Narcotics Unit for further development and investigation.

Tatang assessed that the success of the RI-MLY Yonarmed Buritkang Pamtas Task Force was a manifestation of the implementation of the Seven Kasad Daily Commandments, precisely on the third point.

In that point, it is stated that the existence of the Indonesian Pamtas Task Force-MLY Yonarmed Buritkang is not only to maintain national border security, but they also need to be sensitive to the development of the situation and take proactive actions against all forms of threats to national unity, namely eradicating narcotics abuse and illicit trafficking.

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