
KAPUAS HULU - Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kapuas Hulu Regency, Gunawan, said that currently floods have hit a number of villages in five sub-districts in the Kapuas Hulu region, West Kalimantan.

"We urge the public to remain vigilant because the water debit of the Kapuas River, Sibau River and Mendalam River continues to rise," said Gunawan in Putussibau Kapuas Hulu, Antara, Friday, August 5.

Gunawan said that for now due to the overflow of a number of rivers, a number of villages have been submerged. In Putussibau Utara sub-district, floods inundated the villages of Tanjung Lasa, Sibau Hulu, Sibau Hilir and Padua Mandalam villages.

In Putussibau Selatan District, namely Tanjung Lokang Village and a number of other low-lying areas such as Teluk Barak and Tanjung Jati.

Then in Pengkadan District, the flood submerged Pengkadan Hilir Village. In the Silat Hilir sub-district, the flood occurred in Miau Merah Village and for the Seberuang Sub-district, the flood occurred in Sejiram Village and Jerenjang Village.

According to him, the flood began at around 05.00 WIB with an average water depth of 50 centimeters to one meter.

"There is one bridge in Jerenjang Village that was damaged by flooding and in a number of villages vehicles cannot be passed," said Gunawan.

Gunawan said, currently the weather in Kapuas Hulu is still cloudy and it is feared that the flood will be widespread.

For this reason, all sub-districts and village officials are asked to immediately convey the condition of flood developments in their respective regions. In addition, the public is asked to be vigilant and always ready to face natural disasters with the current weather conditions.

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