
JAKARTA - Accidental swallowing of foreign objects is the most common case that contributes 80 percent to emergency problems in children.

Foreign objects or in medical terms Corpus Alienum are most often swallowed by children are coins, toys, magnets, and batteries. Whereas in adults, ingested foreign objects usually occur when eating, such as bones and lumps of meat.

According to studies, 80-90 percent of ingested foreign bodies will pass by themselves through the gastrointestinal tract and in a few cases require surgery.

However, some foreign bodies become dangerous if they block smaller passages, such as the esophagus, especially in children. Or if the object is sharp it can cause injury and bleeding. So, it is important for parents to know when to seek medical help immediately.

Endoscopy, a medical procedure performed by inserting a tube-shaped device equipped with a camera and a flashlight at the end, to view the internal organs can be performed to help treat cases of children accidentally swallowing foreign objects.

"Endoscopy itself is actually fast to do, but we have to prepare patients in this case children or toddlers so they don't become traumatic and at the same time make it easier for doctors to carry out the procedure," said Dr. Nuraini Irma Susanti, Sp.A(K), Pediatrician Consultant Liver and Gastroenterohepatology (Gastroenterohepatology) Mayapada Hospital, South Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 5.

Dr. Amalia Evianti Sp.Rad(K), Consultant of Pediatric Radiology, said that pediatric patients need special treatment so that they can calm down and relax before the examination so that we can get good pictures. So the diagnosis can be optimal.

"Surgery is only considered if the ingested foreign body has the potential to cause obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract," said Dr. Sastiono, Sp.B SubspPed(k), Surgeon Specialist Sub-specialist in Pediatric Surgery Mayapada Hospital Kuningan.

If it is considered that it can still come out through defecation, then monitoring can be done through X-rays to find out where the foreign object has arrived.

Here are things to do when your child swallows a foreign object:

1. Find out what foreign objects are likely to be swallowed by the child

Some foreign objects such as coins, magnets, batteries, or sharp objects have the potential to cause an emergency condition due to blockage or injury to internal organs. However, objects such as blunt beads will usually come out on their own. Simply supervise the child within 24 hours if there are no other symptoms.

2. Check the condition of the child if he has acute symptoms

In general, parents will start to worry when their child swallows a foreign object and the child suddenly shows symptoms. Such as coughing, vomiting or profuse salivation, or the child complains of stomach pain and does not want to eat.

If your child seems to have difficulty breathing, you can give immediate help by patting the back or performing the Heimlich Maneuver. Seek immediate medical attention if your child has acute symptoms.

3 Provide information to the doctor

Tell the doctor how the child's condition and the symptoms you observe. It's even better if you can tell the possibility of what objects were swallowed.

As explained by dr. Eva Jeumpa Soelaeman, “In the case of a child swallowing a foreign object, the doctor will perform both a physical examination and a supporting examination if necessary.

Later, the doctor will decide whether the child is simply supervised until the foreign body is out by itself, or whether invasive procedures such as surgery or removal with tools are required, one of which is gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Studies show that endoscopic removal of foreign bodies gives good results with a success rate of above 95 percent and minimal complications.”

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