
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is still examining witnesses to investigate allegations of human rights violations related to the death of Brigadier Nopryansah Yoshua Hutabarat at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house. Although the National Police have named Bharada E as a suspect in the shooting incident on July 8 last year.

Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said that so far no one had seen Brigadier J pointing a gun at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's house. Taufan said, there was a statement from one of the witnesses about the shootout, but the witness named Ricky admitted that he only heard voices.

"Same with Bharada E. This is just Bharada E's statement alone which was later confirmed by Ricky's statement who was also downstairs. But Ricky actually didn't see the shooting directly. He said he saw Joshua brandishing a gun then when there was a gunshot he hid So he doesn't know who Joshua's opponent was, according to his testimony," said Taufan in an online discussion, Friday, August 5.

"After the gunshots stopped, he came out and saw Joshua on his stomach, then he saw Bharada E coming down the stairs," he continued.

Taufan said that Komnas HAM was still wondering about the motive for this case, which was allegedly due to harassment of the wife of the Head of the Propam Division. However, he emphasized that Komnas HAM could not make accusations arbitrarily.

"So as investigators we are wondering what is going on. Of course we don't want to make arbitrary accusations but we suspect that something is illogical. So there were no witnesses who witnessed the muggings, so we also can't be sure whether sexual harassment or abuse occurred. no," said Taufan.

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