
JAKARTA - A tweet from the Twitter account @maimeichil touched the hearts of netizens until it went viral. The account owner claims to be the son of one of the crew of the MV Sky Fortune ship who is currently in Tabaco, Philippines. The father had been detained at the location for more than 7 months with several crew members.

"I want to ask for help so that my papa and 5 Indonesian crew who have been detained for 7 months on a ship that is no longer feasible and do not receive a salary can be returned," tweeted @maimeichil quoted by VOI, Friday, August 5.

He admitted that his father joined the ship's crew on January 5, 2022. On January 19, the ship hit a coral reef causing a leak in the ship so that it submerged some of the rice cargo that was being carried.

"After the incident, the company blamed the entire Indonesian crew because the captain was an Indonesian. Initially the company promised to return and pay salaries after unloading the undamaged rice cargo, but until now they are still on board," he explained.

Unfortunately until now there has been no sign of the crew's return. The family has also reported to the Indonesian Embassy in Manila asking for help to return home. But so far no action has been taken.

In addition to the Indonesian Embassy, the family has also reported to the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) to help get salaries.

"Until now, my father and his other friends have been on the ship for 7 months with the condition of the ship being unfit, lacking clean water, eating potluck, and not getting a month's salary,"

"There were 17 people on the ship. Several people from the Philippines, Burma and one envoy from a company from China. All crew from other countries received salaries except for the Indonesian crew," he explained.

Last March, the family had a zoom meeting with the Indonesian Embassy in Manila. A few days later they visited the ship in Tabaco, Philippines. But until now the ship is still being held by the Philippine authorities. The company does not care about the presence of the crew on board the ship.

"They are not allowed to leave the ship and the Indonesian Embassy in Manila has not yet provided certainty regarding the settlement of their case. Finally from the ITF to my mother (28 July 2022), because my mother always asks for certainty on their return and clarity regarding salaries,"

"Please pray for and help, hopefully this case can be resolved soon. Because we have to continue our life and education, but what if we don't get a month's salary. Moreover, the condition of the Indonesian crew on the ship is very worrying," the account tweeted.

Separately, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has handled the case of six Indonesian crew members of the MV Sky Fortune ship that were stranded in Tabaco, Philippines.

"They have lived for months on the ship and have not been paid their salaries," said the Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and BHI at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Judha Nugraha, in an online press conference quoted from Antara, Friday, August 5.

Judha said that the Indonesian Embassy in Manila had handled the case since last March, among others, by asking the Philippine authorities to immediately repatriate the crew members.

Then, the Indonesian Embassy asked for health care assistance to one of the sick crew members, as well as logistical support.

"Various coordination efforts continue to be carried out with local authorities to speed up the repatriation process, including we encourage ships that are in Tabaco to be immediately moved to safer areas," said Judha.

However, said Judha, the repatriation process for Indonesian crew members is still constrained by several challenges.

First, our crew members do not have a crew recruiting agency (maning agency) because they ascended the MV Sky Fortune not procedurally.

"They went up in the middle of the sea in Batam waters, so they don't have a mining agency that we can hold accountable for," said Judha.

Second, there is a claim for compensation for disruption of ship shipping in which the captain of the ship is considered responsible in this case.

Third, regarding the position of the ship that is still in Tabaco which is not a port intended for crew changes.

"In connection with this, the latest information as of August 2, the Philippine authorities have conveyed information to the Indonesian Embassy in Manila that they are looking for a location to be able to move the ship, so that the crew changes process can be carried out immediately," said Judha.

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