
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has transferred a number of members following the bloody incident of Brigadier J's murder. One of them was Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, who was removed from his position as Head of the Propam Division to become High Officer (Pati) Yanma (Headquarters Servant).

The mutation was stated in the Secret Telegram Letter (STR) number 1628/VIII/Kep/2022, dated August 4, 2022.

In the mutation, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo will undergo examination by the Special Inspectorate (Irsus) and a special team (timsus).

"Those who have been transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri are under investigation by the Irsus Timsus," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Thursday, August 4.

With the vacant position left by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, the National Police Chief appointed Inspector General Syahardiantono as Head of the Propam Division. Previously, he served as Wakabareskrim Polri.

Later, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo will undergo a professional code of ethics trial. If proven to have violated, of course sanctions according to the rules will be given.

"If there is evidence of a violation of ethics, it will be examined if it is proven that a criminal violation, as the National Police Chief said, will be processed according to the procedure," said Dedi.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was supposed to be questioned today as a witness in the case of the death of Brigadier J.

In this bloody incident, Bareskrim has named Bharada E as a suspect in the murder of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. The determination of this suspect was announced after the case was held

Bharada E was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code. Bharada E called Dirtipidum Brigadier General Andi Rian at a press conference, Wednesday, August 3 night, was detained after an investigation.

The following is a list of the names of the police officers who were removed and promoted:

1. Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Head of the Propam Police Division, was transferred to Pati Yanma Polri.2. Inspector General Syahardiantono as Wakabareskrim Polri was appointed as Kadiv Propam Polri.3. Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, Karo Paminal Div Propam Polri transferred to Pati Yanma Polri4. Brigadier General Anggoro Sukartono, the position of Karo Waprof Div Propam Polri was appointed as Karo Paminal Div Propam Polri.5. Kombes Agus Wijayanto, Sesro Wabprof Div Propam Polri, was appointed a new position as Karo Wabprof Div Propam Polri6. Brigadier General Benny Ali, the position of Karo Provos Div Propam Polri was transferred to Pati Yanma Polri.7. Kombes Gupuh Setiyono, the position of the Head of Yanduan Division of the Propam Police, was appointed as the new position of Karo Provos of the Div Propam Polri8. Kombes Denny Setia Nugraha Nasution SIK, MH Sesro Paminal Divpropam Polri transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri9. Kombes Edgar Diponegoro, the position of Head of Binpam Ropaminal Div Propam Polri was appointed as Sesro Paminal Div Propam Polri10. Kombes Agus Nur Patria, the position of Kaden A Ropaminal Divpropam Polri was transferred to Pamen Yanma Polri.11. AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin Wakaden B Ropaminal Div Propam Polri transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri12. Commissioner Baiquni Wibowo, PS position. The Head of the Subdivision of Riksa Bag Unethical Robabprof of the National Police Propam Div was transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri13. Commissioner Chuck Putranto PS. The Head of the Sub-section for Auditing the Unethical Bag, Robab, Prof. Div, Propam, Police, has been transferred by Pamen Yanma, Polri.14. AKBP Ridwan Rheky Nellson Soplanit, the position of Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, has been transferred to the position of Pamen Yanma Polri.15. AKP Rifaizal, the position of Kanit I Satreskrim Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan Polda Metro Jaya has been transferred to Pama Yanma Polri.

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