
JAKARTA - Minister of Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy revealed that a number of provinces outside Java wanted the central government to urge a number of large companies in the regions to set aside corporate social responsibility or CSR funds to support stunting management.

This was conveyed by Muhadjir after attending the Work Meeting for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction for 12 priority provinces led by Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin. The meeting was held at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Thursday, August 4.

"Earlier, those who had suggested, for example, Southeast Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, West Sulawesi, urged that the CSR-CSR in those areas have some kind of instruction from the central government, from the President or Vice President or lower (officials), to set aside more CSR to solve the stunting problem. and poverty in the region," he said.

Muhadjir called on company leaders in areas with a high prevalence of stunting to support stunting management efforts. "In order to set aside CSR specifically for stunting and later it will be coordinated by the local stunting task force," he said.

On the same occasion, Muhadjir invited the community to participate in the movement to raise stunting children who are chronically malnourished who are shorter in body than children their age.

"From Mr. Hasto (Head of BKKBN) as the chief executive of rolling out the Stunting Mothers and Fathers program, this is also requested to be activated. What is the term, the abbreviation IBAS, if you add Movement to GIBAS, it becomes a movement for mothers and fathers to care for or take care of stunting children, " he said.

Based on the Antara report, the results of the Indonesia Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) in 2021 conducted by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) showed the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia in 2021 was 24.4 percent.

The government targets the prevalence of stunting to drop to 14 percent by 2024.

According to SSGI, there are still seven provinces with high prevalence of stunting, namely East Nusa Tenggara (37.8 percent), West Sulawesi (33.8 percent), Aceh (33.2 percent), West Nusa Tenggara (31.4 percent). percent), Southeast Sulawesi (30.2 percent), South Kalimantan (30.0 percent), and West Kalimantan (29.8 percent).

In addition, there are still five provinces with a large number of stunting children under five, namely West Java (971,792), Central Java (651,708), East Java (508,618), North Sumatra (347,437) and Banten.

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