
TERNATE - The second day of the search for Farjan (15), a teenager in Ternate who disappeared after being attacked by a crocodile while fishing in Lake Tolire, Ternate City, North Maluku (Malut) yielded results after the victim's body surfaced.

"The victim's body has not been evacuated even though it has been seen appearing on the surface of the lake water, because it is still being carried by crocodiles into the middle of the lake," said Head of Basarnas Ternate Fathur Rahman as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 3.

The victim's body was found at around 17.00 WIT after the Joint SAR Team conducted a search using a drone and assisted local residents by performing various rituals.

From the officer's drone camera footage, the victim's body was seen floating on the river bank, while not far beside the victim was a crocodile.

Although it has been found, the evacuation effort for the victim's body is recognized by the SAR Team that access is still constrained by access to descend to the surrounding location which is quite challenging.

In addition, Fathur said, the road to get to the point where the victim was found had a slope which made it a bit difficult for officers.

Even at the beginning of the search, which focused on three points this afternoon around the shores of the lake, the Joint SAR Team had to use a rope, because the conditions on the riverbank were so extreme.

"The search and rescue operation was stopped and will resume tomorrow," Arafah added.

Meanwhile, observations in the field this afternoon, the atmosphere around Lake Tolire was filled with hundreds of residents. Until tonight, families and local residents are still filling the area around the tour to await the evacuation of victims.

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