
AMBON - Police are investigating the perpetrators who are suspected of having dumped a baby boy in a plastic bag and placed it in a ditch in the Waitatiri area, Salahutu District, Ambon Island, Central Maluku Regency.

"Regarding the discovery of the baby male victim who is still alive, until now it has not been confirmed whether the irresponsible parents are ready to throw him away," said Head of Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police and PP Lease, Ipda Moyo Utomo in Ambon. BETWEEN, Wednesday, August 3rd.

The baby boy, who was still complete with his umbilical cord, was first discovered by a resident named Agusthinus Soumerun on Wednesday at around 09.50 WIT, in a ditch beside the cassava garden, Dusun Wainusalaut BTN Waitatiri RT 43 Negeri Suli, Salahutu District.

At that time, Agustinus, who is a civil servant at SMP Negeri 20 Malteng, was about to pull the grass in his cassava garden which is adjacent to the ditch where the baby was dumped. He heard a voice from his location.

"After searching for the source of the sound, the witness found a white plastic bag and thought there was a chick in it, so he returned home to call his son Agustinus and his wife Aurora Parinussa to check the contents of the bag," explained Moyo.

It turns out that in the bag containing the baby boy, it has a length of 43 cm, weight of 1.7 kg. The baby was immediately taken to their home and the umbilical cord was cut by Aurora, who happens to be a village midwife.

The witnesses also took the baby to the Passo Small Hative Hospital, Baguala District (Ambon City) for medical treatment.

Police officers from the Suli State Bhabinkamtibmas, Bripka D. Sahertian to the Salahutu Police Chief AKP La Maru and the Baguala Police Chief visited the crime scene and collected data.

The family of A. Soumeru and his wife, Aurora Parinussa, immediately decided to take responsibility for taking care of the poor baby.

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