JAKARTA - Deputy Regent of Central Mamberamo Yonas Kenelak hit a journalist's hand after being questioned by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as a witness.
This incident occurred when he left the KPK Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, today.
From VOI's observation, Yonas, who had finished his examination as a witness for the Regent of Central Mamberamo Ricky Ham Pagawak, initially wanted to leave the KPK lobby. However, he failed to do so because a number of journalists were waiting.
Yonas only left after an aide picked him up in the lobby. When he came out, he didn't answer any questions from the reporters who were waiting.
Instead, the deputy regent waved his hand and asked the reporter to step aside. One of the photojournalists who was taking pictures of himself was hit by a wave of his hand.
"I don't know," said Yonas as he walked out and waved as he left the building, Wednesday, August 3.

It didn't stop there, as he walked out of the building, he clenched his fists at the photojournalist's camera lens.
Yonas was summoned by the KPK to be investigated regarding the alleged bribery and gratification that ensnared the Regent of Central Mamberamo Ricky Ham Pagawak.
Besides Yonas, investigators also summoned another witness, namely a civil servant of Central Mamberamo Regency named Slamet. However, Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, has not yet detailed what the two witnesses were investigating.
As previously reported, the KPK continues to investigate allegations of bribery and gratification in Central Mamberamo, Papua. Several witnesses have been called and searches have been carried out.
However, in the middle of the process, Ricky, who had not been announced as a suspect, ran away. He is said to have fled to Papua New Guinea by way of a rat with the help of a number of parties, including an aide and two members of the TNI.
Regarding the assistance provided by the TNI, the KPK said it had sent a letter to the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) to coordinate to examine the two members. Moreover, based on information circulating, a TNI soldier holds the rank of Dandim.
The KPK confirmed that it would continue to pursue Ricky. They did everything they could, including inviting people who knew Ricky's whereabouts to report to the 198 call center or inform the police.
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