
JAKARTA - Social media activist Yusuf Muhammad responded to the new policy of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan which changed the name of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) to Rumah Sehat.

Yusuf quipped that the renaming that binds 31 hospitals belonging to the DKI Provincial Government is an incomparable innovation. He said that the supporter of the former Minister of Education and Culture is certain to be jumawa.

"An achievement that no one can imitate. The city hall buzzer must be proud," Yusuf wrote on his Twitter account, @yusuf_dumdum, Wednesday, August 3.

Yusur then mocked the naming of the RSUD in Jakarta as Rumah Sehat which, if abbreviated, the acronym is similar to the Mental Hospital, namely RSJ.

"Anies changed the RSUD to a Healthy Home for Jakarta. It could be abbreviated as RSJ," he said.

Today, Anies officially changed the name of a hospital in Jakarta to a healthy house.

Anies viewed that the name change was carried out to change the mindset of the community so that they not only visit when they are sick, but also in order to maintain and improve the quality of their health. This was conveyed by Anies at the launch of the naming of a healthy house for Jakarta at Cengkareng Hospital, West Jakarta.

“So far, our hospital is curative and rehabilitative, so people come because they are sick and want to get well. Come to the hospital to recover, even though to recover you have to be sick first," said Anies at the launch of the naming of a healthy house for Jakarta at Cengkareng Hospital, West Jakarta, Wednesday, August 3.

Anies hopes that this name change will succeed in making people think that they come to healthy homes to be healthier.

“With this branding, we hope that people will view healthy homes from a different perspective. Moreover, in international language the hospital is defined as a hospital from hospitality, namely hospitality. It is hoped that through this branding, conversations at home will also talk about being healthy, not sick, because our subconscious underlines that," he said.

The name of the RSUD was changed to Rumah Sehat followed by the replacement of a new logo and color design.

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