
TANGERANG - An employee of a beverage outlet on Jalan Beringin Raya, Karawaci, Tangerang City, lost his motorbike while serving a woman. The victim, named Riza, was not aware that the consumers she was dealing with were hypnotists.

Sarah, as a witness, said that the incident began when the shop she was guarding was visited by a woman who ordered a large number of drinks. Sarah said, the perpetrator came in the evening, Thursday, July 28, at 23.30 WIB.

Sarah said the mother had no money with her, but she insisted on paying in cash. Even though he has offered payment via debit.

"Yes, even though I told you, you can debit or the next day just come again. But the mother insisted that she pay cash and asked to be delivered to the ATM,” said Sara when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, August 3.

“My friend, Riza (the owner of the motorbike) offered to be escorted. But the mother refused, "I don't want it to be with a guy" in the end I was the one to deliver, I can't bring a motorbike. So I was picked up,” said Sarah.

Long story short, Sarah and the unknown mother arrived at a gas station near Tangerang City, Friday, July 29, in the early hours of the morning. The mothers said they wanted to call their husbands.

"Then he called his husband, after that he said "Here you go, my husband is already at the shop, so this is my son in Modernland, how come the three of us are going to the shop?" ," he said.

"Honestly, I forgot to remember that I was still sitting on the bike or I was down, I was like I was hypnotized. But in the end I just said yes, after that he left and I was left there for an hour. While I was waiting, I thought about why I was dropped off when I could go to the store together? Besides, modernland is not far from here. I've been thinking, what is this trick? I was also stupid not to bring my cellphone and wallet," he continued.

After the incident, Sarah ventured to approach an online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) to borrow a cellphone. The goal is to call a friend who is at the outlet.

"Then pick up. Then we go to the Karawaci Police to make a report. But it was rejected because of the incident in the Tangerang area, so we together with Riza (the owner of the motorbike) went to the Benteng Police and finally received our report," he concluded.

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