
TARAKAN - The North Kalimantan Police Jatanras Team has successfully arrested the perpetrators of violent theft from fishponds.

"The arrests were made on Tuesday (26/7) at around 13.00 WITA at the Temangga River Tambak, Tanjung Palas Tengah District, Bulungan Regency," said Head of Public Relations of the Kaltara Polda, Kombes Budi Rachmat in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, 2 August.

He said the theft occurred on Monday (25/7) in the waters of the Pulau Rantau Mangkudulis River, Tana Tidung Regency, Kaltara Province.

The Jatanras team of the Kaltara Polda managed to arrest the two perpetrators of the theft, the initials H and A.

From the results of the interrogation, it was found that the mode of operation was to take advantage of the deserted waterways, the perpetrators then stalked the victim and carried out robbery on the victim to get money.

Then the money from the robbery by the perpetrators will be used to meet daily needs and buy narcotics of methamphetamine.

From the results of the arrest, evidence was found in the form of one mobile phone unit, one 40 PK fast motor boat engine unit belonging to the victim, one 40 PK fast motor boat engine unit belonging to the perpetrator and two pieces of evidence that were lost by the perpetrator.

"There is also evidence that has been removed, namely that a wooden replica weapon was destroyed by burning by the perpetrators and 150 kilograms of shrimp were dumped in one of the tributaries on Liago Island," said Budi.

The perpetrator admitted that he had intentionally omitted evidence because the pond farmers were searching for the perpetrators.

In this case, the perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding the crime of theft with violence and the threat of imprisonment for nine years.

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