
JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismahari admits that the process of monitoring all forms of performance at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) is the hardest thing to do.

Risma emphasized that the entire distribution chain of social assistance (bansos) must be clear, so that when the beneficiaries perceive it, the social assistance is right on target.

"This process right now, frankly, is the hardest thing for me to do at the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Social Minister Risma as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 2.

The monitoring process, said Risma, was also carried out by comparing the prices of necessities on the market, although they only differed slightly.

"I have to know that the process is clear. Even the prices of all kinds, sometimes I control the prices on the market here, sometimes we control it ourselves, this is expensive, even though the difference is between Rp. 500, Rp. 1,000. I always say, replace , said Risma.

So the Minister of Social Affairs Risma requested that all his staff submit reports in a better and more comprehensive manner. Especially on the performance of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Social Affairs which is getting better.

"For example, when the Inspector analyzed the ACT (Action Fast Response) case it was very comprehensive, where the processes at our Director General (Directorate General) were wrong, what was wrong with making a warning letter to the Director General, I said that," said Social Minister Risma.

Previously, regarding the buried social assistance, Social Minister Risma said to trace the origin of the buried social assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs Inspectorate cooperated with the Metro Jaya Police, the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, and the Depok Social Service, TKSK, social assistants, PKH assistants and so on to check it.

Deputy for Coordination for Social Welfare Improvement at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Andie Megantara said that according to the results of the coordination between the Aid Team and Targeted Subsidies with the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Social Service and Depok City Police, approximately one tonne of Rice brand rice was buried in Depok. is the Presidential Special Assistance or Banpres rice in 2020.

According to Anndie, in 2020 the government will distribute Presidential Assistance in the form of rice to 1.9 million beneficiary families in the Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi area. In this case, every family affected by the COVID-19 pandemic gets 25 kilograms of rice.

"The rice found (buried in Depok) is thought to have come from the distribution of Banpres Phases 2 and 4 of 2020," said Andie.

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