
JAKARTA - As a city full of history and growing along with the development of the country, Jakarta is a city full of potential. Even though the country's capital was moved to IKN Nusantara, as a city, the area that was formerly known as Sunda Kelapa is still special.

Jakarta can remain a center for business, finance, as well as culture and education. So, don't be afraid to "lose" Jakarta. With its current population of 10 million, out of 25 million in Jabodetabek, Jakarta will remain attractive in the future.

This is the red thread of the discussion entitled "Quo Vadis Jakarta Post-IKN", which was held by the Association of Indonesian Journalists of DKI Jakarta Province with Mercu Buana University, at the UMB Studio (Mercu Buana University) South Meruya Campus, West Jakarta, Tuesday 2 August.

This discussion was part of the 48th Mohamad Hoesni Thamrin Journalistic Award (MHT Awards) series in 2022. The event which was hosted by the Deputy Chairperson of the PWI Jaya Organization, Irmanto, was interesting with the attendance of the UMB academic community and 20 students who attended. attended in person as well as dozens of students, journalists and the general public who followed virtually.

Chairman of PWI DKI Jakarta Sayid Iskandarsyah and Acting Chancellor of UMB, Dr. Harwikarya, MT, in his speech equally appreciated the discussion with this challenging theme.

Sebelum diskusi, tampak H. Syaifuddin Berbincang dengan Rektor UMB Dr. Harwikarya, Ketua PWI Jakarta Sayid Iskandarsyah dan pembicara Ibu Lenny Maryouri, ST, MEngSc, PhD sebelum acara dimulai. (Foto Ist)
Before the discussion, H. Syaifuddin was seen talking with the Chancellor of UMB, Dr. Harwikarya, Chairperson of PWI Jakarta Sayid Iskandarsyah and speaker Mrs. Lenny Maryouri, ST, MEngSc, PhD before the event started. (Ist Photo)

The discussion featured three keynote speakers from inside and outside UMB. Namely, Lenny Maryouri, ST, MEngSc, PhD, the CEO of PT Strategi Megapolitan Indonesia, Dr. Afdal Makkuraga Putra, and Syaifuddin, ME, Director of the Jakarta Study Committee.

Lenny Maryouri gave material on "The fate of Jakarta after the capital city moved", Afdal Makkuraga Putra delivered "Jakarta Post IKN. A Sociological Approach", while Syaifuddin described the dynamics and romance of Jakarta through "Jakarta Post-Movement of the State Capital to the Special Region of Greater Jakarta/Megapolitan City".

The three presenters argued that Jakarta must remain a special city with its various specialties. A phenomenal Jakarta, a Jakarta that will not miss its charisma and challenges.

"There's still a lot Jakarta can do," Afdal said. "The government must also immediately enact a new law as a replacement for Law No. 29 of 2007 concerning Jakarta as the capital city of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

"Jakarta must build more public areas such as Citayam Fashion Week, cultural centers, or education. Potential references per field must be optimized," said Lenny Maryouri.

Greater Jakarta

As is known, relocating the country's capital city outside Jakarta has been explored since the late 1950s. However, the plan to move the new capital city was taken seriously by President Joko Widodo, who on January 18, 2022 ratified the Bill on the State Capital (IKN) into law by the Indonesian House of Representatives and the Government. Thus, Indonesia will have a new IKN Nusantara to replace Jakarta.

The government then enacted Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital on February 15, 2022. The State Capital was named Nusantara. On April 28, 2022, the government formed a Transition Team to Support the Preparation, Development and Relocation of the National Capital.

Recently, the Government has determined that the plan to move the capital city from Jakarta to IKN will begin in July or August 2024.

Suasana webinar
The atmosphere of the webinar "Quo Vadis the Capital of Jakarta Post-IKN" (Ist Photo)
MHT Awards

Anugerah Jurnalistik MH Thamrin or MHT Awards is an annual event by PWI Jaya with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Discominfotik, representing the dynamics of the movement and development of the capital city.

For the 48th MHT Awards in 2022, there are still 7 categories of journalistic works to be contested. These works will be published in print, electronic and online media between June 1, 2021 and May 31, 2022.

Starting from the 48-2022 MHT Awards, awards were given to 3 people in each category. Namely, a winner and 2 nominees. Seven categories: text, photos, terrestrial TV videos, streaming TV videos, radio, infographics, and editorial categories.

According to the plan, the highlight of the 48th MHT Awards will be held on Friday, August 12 at 13:00 pm at the City Hall Ballroom of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. "In the near future we will hold an audience with the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan," said Sayid Iskandarsyah, chairman of PWI Jaya.

The Head of the Committee for the 48-2022 MHT Awards, Budi Nugraha, expressed his gratitude to the partners who have expressed their commitment to support this prestigious journalism award.

So far, the Panpel has received support from Agi Sugiyanto through PT Media Musik Proaktif, PT Krakatau Steel, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), PT Djarum Foundation, PT Astra Agro Lestari, Tbk, FIF, Gadjah Tunggal, Bakrie Amanah, BPJS Employment, PT Transjakarta, Pupuk Indonesia, PLN, BCA, Waskita Karya, Mind.Id/Inalum, Pertamina Patra Niaga, BRI, Mustika Ratu, Garuda Food, and Bank DKI.

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