
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which states "La ilaha illallah" will enter heaven, then the population of Indonesia can become the largest inhabitant of heaven.

"Why is that? Because it is the Indonesian people who say 'La ilaha illallah' a lot. So later in heaven it will be all Indonesians," said Vice President Ma'ruf when giving tausiyah in the event "Remembrance and National Prayer" 77 Years of Indonesia's Independence in the courtyard of the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 1 evening.

It's just that, continued Ma'ruf, there is a process that the Indonesian people must go through to become residents of heaven.

"There are those who use the process, the roasting process, hopefully those who experience the roasting process are few, not a lot. Moreover, according to the ulama, there is no small sin if it is done continuously, there is no big sin if done istigfar," added the vice president. .

The vice president said that reading istigfar is done so that although there may be immorality committed, in the end, many people return to the presence of Allah SWT.

"Hopefully this is part of our lives as Indonesians and with our prayers and remembrance tonight we will return to repentance to Allah SWT," said the Vice President.

The vice president also expressed the blessing of independence that Allah SWT has given for the last 77 years to be grateful for by continuing to maintain the integrity of the nation.

"For that, we must be grateful, appreciate and thank the warriors of the nation. Rasulullah SAW said, whoever is not grateful to humans he is also not grateful to God, it is our obligation to keep this nation intact," he said.

It is the duty of the Indonesian people, according to the Vice President, to keep the nation intact.

"Don't let God take away His light and leave us in the dark because we disagree with each other, hate each other and are hostile to each other. If that happens, the bright light that we get in the form of independence will certainly return to darkness," continued the Vice President.

The vice president also invited the Indonesian people to be grateful to Allah SWT for giving many natural resources.

"Imam Attobari said 'God made in a country that was not given to another country to provide a livelihood for some people through trade from one country to another'. owned by other countries, such as agricultural, plantation, marine, mining products," said the Vice President.

However, the Vice President emphasized that it takes effort to process it.

"Therefore, what we need is 'hamzah wassal', what is it? 'Hamzah wassal' is what connects one sentence to another so that it becomes a beautiful string of words," said the Vice President.

For the Vice President Ma'ruf's tausiyah, President Jokowi also expressed his gratitude.

"Earlier, I think the vice president has conveyed a lot about the joys of independence. This is good if the vice president is a kiai. Thank you, kiai, the tausiyah is clear, so I don't have to repeat it again," said the President.

The National Remembrance and Prayer in the Merdeka Palace courtyard was attended by around 100 figures consisting of kiai, habaib, state officials, figures from various mass organizations and interfaith leaders. In addition, 500 worshipers and students from various Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia were also present.

A number of officials who attended included Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Land Prabowo Subianto, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque Nasaruddin Umar and other related officials.

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