
JAYAPURA - The Jayapura City Police Narcotics Unit Opsnal Team arrested a hospital, ASN Pemda Yalimo and two colleagues who are users and dealers of methamphetamine in Wamena.

Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Victor Makbon said the arrests of the three suspects were carried out in Wamena last July 27 after members received information related to the delivery of a package suspected of containing narcotics which was sent through a delivery service company.

From the results of the investigation, it was revealed that the goods were for Wamena's purpose, so surveillance was carried out which in the end the three suspects were arrested with as much as 100.48 grams of crystal methamphetamine which is estimated to be worth Rp. 350 million.

From the results of the examination of narcotics sent from Makassar, apart from being used alone, they will also be sold for Rp. 3,500,000 per gram.

"According to the suspects' confessions, the narcotics were ordered from an inmate at the Makassar prison and this is the third order," Makbon explained in Jayapura, Antara, Monday, August 1.

Investigators are currently still investigating to uncover the shabu distribution network.

"The three suspects are subject to Article 114 paragraph (2) and Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics," said Makbon.

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