
Jakarta - The ranks of the PDI-P Central Executive Board today sent or input data on the Information System of Political Parties or Sipol to the General Elections Commission (KPU) online.

Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto said this was part of his party's readiness to reach 100 percent.

This was conveyed during the process of sending data and documents from the PDI-P for the 2024 Election Contesting Candidates at the KPU RI Sipol at the PDIP DPP office, Jakarta, Sunday, July 31.

Also present were Deputy Secretary General of PDIP Utut Adianto and Sadarestuwati, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Election Winning Division Bambang Wuryanto, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Ideology and Cadreization Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Health, Women and Children Sri Rahayu, and Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Membership. and the Sukur Nababan Organization. PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri together with DPP Chairmen such as Puan Maharani, Prananda Prabowo along with all administrators from the DPD and DPC to the branches followed online.

"The KPU's requirement is 100 percent. Otherwise, the KPU should not accept 100 percent,” said Hasto in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Sunday, July 31.

While counting down, Hasto was witnessed by the DPP Chairmen and the Wasekjen who were present pressing the button for sending data.

"With this, the profile data of political parties has been submitted by expressing gratitude to the Almighty, all documents as requirements for verification of political parties. With this breakthrough, we no longer need to bring truckloads of documents to the KPU, bring SK, everything can be submitted online," said Hasto.

Hasto then asked the Deputy Secretary General of PDIP Utut Adianto to explain in more detail regarding the data. Utut explained that because PDIP was already in the DPR RI, there was no need to undergo factual verification, just a party decree, which had to be 100 percent at the provincial level, 70 percent at the district/city level, and 50 percent at the sub-district level.

"As for us, until last night at 22.00, we were already 100 percent of the province, 100 percent of the regencies and cities, and already approaching 100 percent of the sub-districts. The members of the political parties that we have registered are 477,777 people," said Utut.

"All the secretariats of DPP, DPD, PAC are all involved in mutual cooperation and we appreciate it as much as possible," added Utut.

Hasto also emphasized that 100 percent is not only the management, but also the party office and membership.

"For this office, during the two years of the pandemic, all levels of the party have worked together so that during the pandemic there were 83 offices that have been completed and built and all in the name of the party and cannot be traded," said Hasto.

He emphasized that this is a form of commitment to create a better Indonesian democracy.

"That's why improving our national democracy must be our focus and commitment, starting from the verification stage of political parties," said Hasto.

With all this, through the countdown, PDIP officially enters profile data or Sipol to the KPU online.

"And that is a progress that we also appreciate to the election organizers," said Hasto. Continuing today's agenda, Hasto added that tomorrow, PDIP will register themselves as participants in the 2024 General Election at the General Elections Commission (KPU) office on Monday, August 1 at 08.00 WIB.

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