
JAKARTA - General Idham Azis' tenure as National Police Chief will soon be over. There is a prediction about who will be the number one person in the Police.

Chairman of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Presidium, Neta S Pane, predicts that three names will be included in the Candidate Exchange for Chief of Police. They are the Head of the Metro Jaya Regional Police Inspector General Nana Sudjana, the Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Lutfhi, and the East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General M Fadil.

Even though the three names are still two-star, in the near future they are predicted to be promoted to Commissioner General (Komjen). This has followed many high-ranking Polri officers who will retire.

"The officers who have risen to three stars are certain to be included in the National Police candidate exchange to replace Idham Azis," said Neta in his statement, Thursday, November 12.

Meanwhile, Karo Penmas, the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that predictions from outside Polri would not become a benchmark. But his party still respects this opinion.

In the selection of the National Police Chief to replace General Idham Aziz, all decisions are in the hands of the president. Therefore, whoever will be appointed to the highest seat in the National Police institution is the best figure.

"The decision regarding the appointment of a new National Police Chief is entirely the prerogative of the President of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

"Let's together we wait for the decision, of course in due time the president will determine it," he continued.

General Idham Aziz served as National Police Chief after being inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on November 1, 2019. He will retire in January 2021 after becoming the number one person in the National Police for approximately one year and two months.

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