
NAGAN RAYA - Investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Nagan Raya Police, Aceh handed over a suspect suspected of molesting a minor to the local district attorney's office.

"We will hand over the suspect to the public prosecutor, after the investigation file against the suspect is declared complete," said Nagan Raya Police Chief AKBP Setiyawan Eko Prasetya, represented by the Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Machfud.

The suspect who was handed over was KF, 26 years old, a resident of Kuala Subdistrict, Nagan Raya Regency.

In addition to handing over the suspect, the police also handed over a number of evidences including one red short-sleeved shirt, one short jeans, one maroon t-shirt, one pair of long jeans, and one unit of a dark blue mountain bike. GTX.

AKP Machfud explained that the suspect KF was previously arrested by the police for allegedly committing a criminal act of molesting a minor with the initials MD (12), a resident of a village in Kuala Subdistrict, Nagan Raya Regency.

The crime was allegedly committed by the suspect KF in May 2022. The victim's parents reported the case to the police.

In his statement to investigators, said AKP Machfud, the suspect KF admitted all his actions towards the victim.

After all the files were declared complete by the prosecutor, the police then handed over the suspect and evidence to the Nagan Raya Kejari, in the hope that a trial would be held soon.

For his actions, suspect D is suspected of violating Article 76 C of Law Number 35 of 2014 amendments to Law Number 32 of 2022 concerning Child Protection.

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