
SEMARANG - Police arrested as many as 11 members of the Security Unit (Satpam) Hospital dr. Kariadi Semarang, Central Java, for allegedly molesting a man accused of stealing in the hospital environment to death.

Head of Criminal Investigation at the Semarang Polrestabes AKBP Donny Lumbantoruan said the persecution that occurred on July 27, 2022, began when hospital security officers received a report about theft at the hospital.

According to him, the hospital visitor handed over a person suspected of stealing a cell phone to security officers.

After being handed over, he said, the alleged thief, whose identity has not yet been identified, was then handcuffed for further interrogation.

"This victim was silent when questioned, until finally there was persecution," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 29.

According to him, the perpetrators had their respective roles in the persecution incident.

One of the pieces of evidence that was also secured with the perpetrators was a broom that was allegedly used to hit the victim.

In addition, he continued, one of the perpetrators allegedly cornered the cigarette on the victim's forehead.

The victim, who was thought to be dead, was then taken to the emergency room of the hospital with a statement that he had just fallen.

IGD Hospital officer dr. Kariadi Semarang then reported it to the police because he was suspicious of any signs of violence against the victim.

From the results of the victim's post-mortem, he said, the cause of death was suspected to be caused by severe bleeding in the brain due to a blunt object.

"The victim was allegedly kicked and beaten. When he was brought to the ER, he was thought to have died," he said.

The eleven perpetrators were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code concerning Persecution that causes death.

The identity of the victim, according to him, is not yet known. "We urge people who feel they have lost a family member to be asked to report to the police," he said.

The characteristics of the dead victims included a man aged around 40 years, 160 cm tall, slightly obese, had tattoos on his right and left arms.

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